Around the final for second term


At the end of spring, rain keeps falling
All things happend so fast.

I am now sitting in lib, with a cop of cotti coffee. thinking about how to write the term paper for GFN and argumented essay. recall and enjoy the leisure feeling until 5am yesterday for talking with my friend. Though sometimes life seems like a messy thread that you can not unravel. But you can still enjoying it. So beatiful.
CSC1002 is lab. class for CSC1001, for all term we practice how to use turtle graphic, seems useless, but do have some harvest. In this course, the part I like most is the farewell letter from the lectureer kinly. I would like to quote here.

Dear students,

This morning, while sitting in my office with a steaming cup of coffee, preparing to write a goodbye message on BB, I frequently caught myself staring at the screen with my mind at a standstill. I acknowledged that numerous individuals could encounter a similar predicament while tackling the assignments, each with subtle differences.

I believe that programming can be quite challenging, with individuals sometimes struggling for hours to finish an assignment. You manage to complete the logic, eagerly click the “Run” button, encounter a single error, quickly apply the fix with confidence, and click the “Run” again, only to be faced with another error. More errors continue to appear as you repeatedly click “Run”.

At the same time, you might get distracted by the constant "Ding" "Ding" notifications on your cell phone, only to discover that your friends are sharing photos on WeChat, having a great dinner with other friends, while you are alone having a quick snack as a meal.  You continue to focus on your logic, trying to fix all the errors that pop up, not realizing that midnight is approaching.

At just a few hours before midnight, your level of adrenaline surges as the clock ticks, yet you continue to stare at your program cluelessly.

With perseverance and determination, you diligently work to identify the root cause of the problems, addressing them one by one. Gradually, the program works better and better, covering all the necessary functionalities. However, you notice that some parts of the logic appear lengthy and complex, and some with repetitive logic. Glancing at the clock once more, you realize it's only an hour away from midnight. With extraordinary confidence, you persist in enhancing the program, leading to a final product with cleaner logic and improved structural design.

You look at the clock one more time, the clock strikes 11:50 pm, and with a sense of great satisfaction and pride, you submit the assignment. Programming offers a sense of accomplishment as you create something unique from your own inspiration. Developing software enhances creativity and problem-solving skills, and witnessing a bug-free program come to life is truly rewarding and captivating. I hope you have felt the same sense of achievement.

CSC1002 is a unique course designed to enhance overall programming skills by emphasizing that “Working Code Is Not Enough” and that students are introduced to two very crucial concepts in the software development process, “Clean Logic” and “Problem Decomposition”, along with live-coding demonstrations, to further enhance your programming abilities.  I believe that many of you have gained better skills in programming. 

I appreciate your remarkable patience in reading this lengthy message. The school office kindly requests your participation in the CTE survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Have a wonderful summer break!!! Goodbye all!


Living a super busy but still cozy life. Time and focus and sleeping time need to be well controlled. In recent two days, I’ve been drinking coffee daily, and sleep for 4 hours, but didn’t feel any uncomfortable. Now I found pursuing a healthy life is ok, but it shouldn’t be one of my fundamental rule. Sometime I do need more time, so it is ok. No need to give extra pressure, feeling guity about damaging personal health.